This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Monday, January 5, 2009

****Update**** I called the hotel and they do have my Bible. They will be sending it to me. Hopefully it won't be as much as they say $20. Please pray that that Bible will weigh less than I think. $20 ouch!!! At least they had it!
You know this is not a very good way to start your day much less the new start I was trying to have this morning.

I did some exercise and then was going to do my quiet time when I discovered that my favorite Bible was not here. I looked everywhere. I took it with us on vacation and it seems like I left it at the hotel. This is my NIV study Bible that my husband gave me on our first Christmas. Not to mention I also left my Believing God workbook. I am going to call the hotel in a few hours but I am just sick. Now I know a little bit of how the woman in the parable of the lost coin felt. Please pray that the hotel has my Bible. I know that God can handle this, I just hope that I can.

I hope your Monday starts of better than mine!


David Richardson said...

Sorry your day got off to a not-so-good start, Amanda. I'm sure things will get better for you soon. Hang in there. :)

Michelle V said...


I hope they find it and get it to you!


David Richardson said...

Rock on sista! Glad to hear they had your Bible.

Every member of God's army likes to use their own sword, don't they?! ;)