This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Friday, October 3, 2008

Today is Friday and you know what that means! Time for a weekly time to stop and reflect on what God has shown you this week. All hosted by Patty a great gal!
This week God has truly reminded me that my children and a special heritage God has given me. I am to pour God into their lives. I have not done such a great job of that this week, but I am really going to try to really invest in them this next week. I only get 1 shot at this. If I do not pour God into them now, it will get increasingly harder the older they get. Take time to serve them and teach them to serve. Take time to hug and love them. Take time to discipline them and mold their heart.
Psalms 127:3 says, " Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him." Being a parent isn't always fun and most of the time it is hard, but it is worth every gray hair I have on my head!
I am going to end this GSF with the video I took after dinner last night. "Sons ARE a heritage from the Lord, and children are definitely a reward from HIM!" Have a great weekend. Go hug your kids!!!!


David Richardson said...

Great video of a cute kid!

Tell your husband it's his turn to buy me chicken wings for lunch.

Good job on your blog!

Patty said...

LOVED the video!! I am so glad you wrote about this, children grow up so fast and I should know because my firstborn will be 20 this Saturday. :)

Have a blessed Sunday!

Thank you for sharing every Friday, I love reading your God Stops.