This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Monday, July 14, 2008

Nothing new

There has not been much going on in our world. Last night we started VBS and I am teaching 1st and 2nd grade. We had a total of 48 kids for the first night! That is amazing! Last week Jamie had his church softball tournament. I am not sure where they finished up, but I saw a group of guys that had not played very well all year, come together and really do a great job! They made it to the final round on Saturday. Jamie hurt his ankle,but it is healing slowly.

We are getting used to the new vehicle. It just different than our van and it is going to take some getting used to.

One thing God is showing me is that I can't allow that vehicle to become and idol for me. IT could very easily go to my head, or I could become obsessed with keeping it clean, dent and nick free etc. Because of the No Other Gods study, my senses are heightened to the whole idol thing. God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave us this new to us vehicle and had me doing a Bible study about idols! LOL :)

I hope you are having a great Monday! Keep your focus on Him this week! You will be glad you did!
Love you!


Shannon said...

Glad you were ablet to get a newer vehicle. Hope VBS is going well! Take care!

David Richardson said...

I hope you all have a great VBS at Winfield Heights. It's exciting to see the good things that God is doing at your fine church!