This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Thursday, July 17, 2008

VBS Report

We had a GREAT VBS. We averaged 60 kids a night. I am not sure of any salivations but I know that God was working on some kids hearts this week. A gal at our church is opening her pool to us tonight for a VBS pool party. It is sure to be a fun time. I am not sure how relaxing it will be but it will be fun!

God taught me something this week too. I need to be thankful and grateful for all that He gives me. With Him giving us this vehicle, doing the No Other Gods study, everything I have is from Him and I need to treat it like that!

We sang a song called "Thankful". It just really spoke to my heart. I pray that we all remember to think about the goodness of the Lord, and that He gives us EVERYTHING we need and so much more!
Have a great rest of your day!


David Richardson said...

That's awesome! I'm glad your VBS went well.

Anonymous said...

Gracie had a great time. It was so funny when she got home everynight and she would tell us what she learned. She had told us about "Jesus put mud on a guys face" then she got that question...and of course froze. We are still singing our songs at the top of our lungs...yes even in the car. Great job!