This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Friday, September 5, 2008

God Stop Friday

As most of you know my Siesta Patty hosts God Stop Friday as a way to reflect on the way God has worked in our life this past week.

God really showed out in the midst of tragedy and sadness. As I posted earlier in the week Jamie's sister passed away. It was a tragic accident, and Jamie was able to speak at the funeral and share the gospel. What a great opportunity God provided. Next week we are going to our annual Pastor's conference, and with Jamie going to this funeral it left us with our gas budget gone. I didn't know how we were still going to be able to go. We were both discouraged because it seems like every time we make plans to go somewhere, another financial need comes up and we a, are not able to go or b, we can't enjoy our trip because we are stressed out about money. Over the course of this week God provided enough money to pay for the gas as well as have a little left over to pay down some of the cc debt I have been praying we would be delivered from.

God you are too much. Whatever need you have right now, give it to Him. His resources are so vast that He can take care of every area. All we have to do is be obedient to Him. Praise Gos to Whom ALL Blessings Flow! Have a great weekend. Remember this song from the children's department, " My God is so GREAT so strong and so mighty, there's NOTHING my God cannot do!!!"

*A funny note to leave you on, We were talking this morning about getting older and not being able to eat certain food after 8:00pm at night. I made the comment to Jamie that were are just getting older. MY gracious oldest daughter said, "Momma when Jarrett is 8 will you be a Granny?" MY mouth fell open and I told her, "No, but I will be 39!" Ouch!!! I can't believe I am this old! Go ahead have a laugh at my expense! Hey, I am secure in who I am in Christ(and I am definitely NOT a Granny!)


GammySel said...

Praise the Lord!
I am glad the Lord worked everything out for you!

In Jesus

Patty said...

I am so thankful that God blessed your family with the money to go to this conference and with a little more to pay toward your bills!! I am so sorry to read that your husband lost his sister. I pray that God will bless your trip with safe travels and that you both will be refreshed and that God will speak a very specific word over you!!

Thank you for sharing today and I am so thankful that I got to see your sweet face in S.A.!!!!
