This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I've Seen It All

I was just looking at Fox News and saw this story. For a fee, you can have an email sent to your loved ones after the rapture occurs. I have heard of some crazy things, but I never thought about this. I bet these guys will actually have people sign up for this.
It sure peaked my curiosity. If it did yours too, check it out here!


Michelle V said...

I heard this on the radio a few days ago. Can you believe it?

GammySel said...

Unbelievable- I guess I am pretty sheltered because I had not heard this till just now. My husband heard of this. It goes to show that even in the "rapture" men are still out for themselves, and their pocket.

Still in shock...

Your Siesta