This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Recap

We had such an awesome weekend! God taught me so much! We had Jarrett's party and on Sunday we went to our home church in Augusta. They were having their 25th Anniversary. We were able to reconnect with old friends and just be filled. I can honestly say that I have never been at a church like West Acres! Even though we have been gone from there for 7 years we walked in and it was like we had never left.

The service was so awesome, I can't even put it into words. God taught me some things. Even though I long to be there all the time, I know we are right where God wants us at Winfield Heights. God was truly lifted up and exalted. God also showed me that it is up to me to be joyful. As long as I am trusting in Him no one steal my joy. Thank you God for allowing me to have the day I had yesterday. Thank you for refocusing my attention to You. Jesus, I want my passion to be You!


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Hi Amanda...
I saw you on the Siesta Fiesta blog and I wanted to stop in.
I just went to a Deeper Still event this past weekend and I know what you mean about God really speaking...

Shannon said...

It was really good to see you and your family. It was such a great day and God really showed up and showed off for us, didn't He? I had an awesome day as well and enjoyed seeing you all! Take care!

churchillclan said...

We enjoyed catching up with you guys so much on Sunday Amanda. I really do hope that you will call us when you are in town next so that we can keep in touch. BTW, I ordered that Bible study yesterday. It will hopefully be in next week - I can't wait to start it! Oh, and I love the colors and ideas you have for Kaylee's room. It all sounds great!