This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Monday, August 25, 2008

8 Days From San Antonio (Day 1)

Hello all! I am back from San Antonio! I got back about 12:30am Sunday morning and had a great day at church yesterday. Now it is time to get back to the swing of things and share what God had for us in the Lone Star State!

The entire weekend was based on the topic of our inheritance which was mentioned about 310 times in scripture. If it was mentioned that much it must be a pretty important topic. The theme scripture was Psalm 16 verses 5 and 6. Beth wanted us to learn these from the ESV version so here it is:
5 The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot
6 The lines have fallen on me in pleasant places, I have a beautiful inheritance.

Beth gave us 8 statements concerning our inheritance and I will try over the next 8 days to break them down and share them with you. Here is statement 1
1. I am an heir of God, my life is not left to chance.
Everything in our life has to pass through the hand of God. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Beth said, " Everything whether good, bad or ugly is working together to build a beautiful inheritance. Providence is the FACT that God never lets anything happen by chance. There is no such thing as fate."

Because God has given us this inheritance, we need to live our lives like we are an heir. Not to be boastful, but to give us the confidence and then we will be secure in ourselves.

Trust me the first few will be a little harder to grasp, but as we go along, the whole thing will tie together! I hope you has a great weekend. Now I have to go get ready for school! Have a great day! Look in the mirror and tel yourself, "I am an heiress, or heir if you are a guy", and then live your life today like that! I promise it makes all the difference in the world!


Michelle V said...


No fair, you stole my idea! HA! I haven't had a chance to put my notes together for posts yet, but I will. I was SOOO sorry that I didn't get a chance to hug your neck! I didn't really get any Siesta time, just the conference, but it was AWESOME!


David Richardson said...

Wow! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend. That's fantastic.

Lara and I spent some time in San Antonio when we were in seminary, and loved it. The River Walk is a fun place to visit, for sure.

Take care.