This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Prayerful Response

A few weeks ago, I mentioned to be praying about us going to Disney. Well, after my shopping trip yesterday, I have my answer. We will use the rest of our stimulus $ to pay off most of the credit card debt we have. I am just sick about this because I am the reason we have the debt in the first place. I made some poor decisions and now my family is paying for it. Please be in pray for this. We desperately need a fun family vacation. Things are getting very stressful around here. I will post about that another time.

Anyway, thank you for all your prayers concerning Disney. I know 1 day God will show favor on us and grant us that desire, but for now, the answer is no. You know, sometimes it just stinks to hear God say not right now!


Michelle V said...


I totally understand! We recently had a small family outing planned for me and the boys and my best friends, but because of car problems we ended up not being able to go. And we never go anywhere! The boys had gotten excited and they were SO upset! Things are very difficult right now with this economy and it is very stressful! I'm hoping you all get to have a fun family vacation very soon!


Anonymous said...

Amanda, I don't know if this would be way out of budget or not, but Dollywood has a homeschool day in August you may be interested in. Go to their website and in the search box type in homeschool day and it should pull up info on it. (The tickets are less than the regular day admission.) And of course you are more than welcome to stay with us anytime!! I know it's not Disney but we like it a lot.

Love ya,

Momma 2...5 said...

Thanks Karen for the heads up! I will check it out!!

I hope you guys are doing well!
Love You!