This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 2

Well I know you are all on pins and needles waiting for the next point (not really because only about 3 people actually read this blog, but a girl can dream can't she!) Anyway, point # 2 in the list of 8 Statements About Our Inheritance is:
2. I am an heir of God my boundary lines form a pleasing place.

This one really started to make sense after Beth explained it. She says that our life is kind of like a square. (you are really going to have to use your imagination.) The top of the square is our INTIMACY WITH GOD. Our anointing can never be higher than our intimacy with Him. If we are not willing to go deeper with Him then we are not going to go very far spiritually.

To the left is your PAST. In order to have the intimacy we want we are going to have to surrender our past to Him. God know that the pain we went through would be for His glory. Go ahead and surrender the pain and hurt of the past as an offering for His glory. One thing Beth said in this section was, " IF I know where I'm going the past doesn't seem so bad." chew on that one for awhile.

On the bottom of the square is our LIFE EXPERIENCES. These are the things that happen to us everyday whether good or bad. These things are what God uses to make us into what He can use.

On the right is our GIFTING. These are the gifts God has given us to use for ministry. All of us are called to ministry of some kind, but we are never to let ministry take away our intimacy with God. If you are too busy doing and preparing for your ministry that you don't have time for a quiet time, then you need to reevaluate your ministry. This really challenged me. My personal time with God is more important than ANYTHING else!!!

In the middle of the square is FAITH. This is the glue that hold everything together. Around faith there is a lot of space. Any of that space that God is not occupying, Satan is standing on it ready to claim it. We have to open our hands and let God come and take over those empty spaces. Even if there is a little crack, Satan will come and take it for his own.

To sum it all up, our life is not our own, it belongs to God and everything we have been through in our life is for His glory and He will use it in ways we can not even imagine!! Have a blessed day and remember I am an Heir of Christ! I am a miracle!


churchillclan said...

Hey Amanda - Sounds like your time with the Lord was rich - I am so glad. I prayed for you all through the weekend that things would go well and that you would have a restful time with the Lord!I'm thankful for answered prayers! Love ya!

A prayerful heart said...

I am so glad I found your blog! I drove into san antone on wed. for a womens leaders confrence and so by lpm live I think I was suffering from total mental overload! You have recaped everything so well and I am able to take it all in now. Thank you so much! Kristi

Momma 2...5 said...

I am glad I could help. It is really good for me to go back over this as well, as it was kind of deep at times! Thanks for all the prayers Lisa! BTW, she's coming to Charlotte July 31 and Aug1 next year!

Jess said...

Enjoying your recap. Thanks for sharing.

A prayerful heart said...

I actually am on pins and needles wating for your next recap! Kinda patiently waiting!:)