This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weekend Pictures

I said that I would post some pictures from the groundbreaking last Sunday, so click here.

I SOOO have to show you something else too...

After we got done eating, my kids decided that they would go out to the playground and play. Somehow it went from playing on the slide and swings to playing in the mud puddles(it had rained a lot that morning before the service.) Here are some pictures of the little rug rats!!!! I just wished I had gotten one of them all together after the event. Check these out.....

Yes, this was a white dress!!!

I am happy to say that ALL their clothes came clean!!!

It is just fun being a kid!!!!


Michelle V said...

Last Sunday I came out of church and saw a pretty little girl literally rolling in the grass in her pretty little church dress and I looked at my Mom and told her I just had a flashback to me at that age, only I was getting in trouble for doing that! HA! Sometimes you've just gotta play in the mud! Great pictures!!


Shannon said...

Congrats on your groundbreaking! How exciting! The kids looked like they were having a great time in the mud!
Shannon Hyder